Value Proposition

Should you enter a new market? Develop a new product?

I provide high-tech companies with Growth Management consulting. In other words, I lead you through a process based on a proven method, involving all of your company’s functions to improve your product-market fit.


Together, taking advantage of your business assets, we will find the change you need to achieve business breakthrough and differentiation, effectively and quickly.


My experience as an executive, technology professional, entrepreneur and security expert enables me to present focused, diverse and creative ideas for business breakthrough.


I specialize in the following solutions at the security market

Security Manufacturers

Do you want to create a differentiation from your competition, away from the price war of commodity products?

Security Startups

Nobody knows your technology better than you, but what’s the right go-to-market strategy? The right product? Initial business model?

Security Market Investors

Investing in the security market? You need market research, technology-market match, due diligence and assistance in building your security portfolio

Security Integrators

During contract bidding, your proposal needs an edge over competitors. After projects are awarded, you need to deliver complex solutions. I can help.


Whether you’re a government agency, enterprise or any other organization with security needs, I stand at the ready to scout for best-of-breed security solutions

Areas of Expertise

I have vast experience in the following areas:

About me

Gadi Talmon, Growth Management Consultant

I’m a serial entrepreneur and strategic consultant for technology companies, with focus on the security market. I’ve spent over 30 years in the high-tech industry in various roles from R&D engineer, through CEO and other executive positions, business development and strategic consulting.


With roots in Israel – the “Startup Nation”- and background in military, intelligence and high-tech, I have the inside edge on best-of-breed security solutions. I’ve successfully deployed these technologies and solutions at multiple vertical markets such as Public Transportation, Correctional, Military, Government, Law Enforcement, Critical Infrastructure, Safe City, Enterprise Security, Banking & Retail.


I am the founder of video analytics leader Agent Vi, banking security vendor Bankom, video-based traffic analytics vendor VisuaLane and other ventures. I’ve filled executive and consulting roles for high-tech and security companies. I hold B.Sc in Electronics Engineering from the Tel-Aviv University and I’m graduate of the Merage Executive Leadership Program, Irvine CA. I’m the inventor os several patents in the field of Wireless Technology for Security applications Video Analytics.


I’ve provided consulting services to numerous customers, mostly in the physical security market, covering many fields including Cameras, VMS, Video Analytics, Video Synopsis, 3D Sensors, Retail Loss Prevention, Banking Security, Wearable Technology, Law Enforcement& First Responders Solutions and more.


Combining my personal experience and the latest business and marketing theories, I offer a focused, practical and proven strategic methodology for your business breakthrough.

Case Studies

There are few examples of successful growth management projects that I’ve led

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

Below is a list of frequently asked questions

1. What is a Growth Manager?

Growth Manager – a relatively new function in High-Tech companies – views both product development and marketing as one integrated function, and leads to new products and target markets with high product-market match, generating new revenues and improved positioning.

2. What is Growth Management Consulting?

If you don’t have yet a growth manager or a growth management corporate culture, a consultant can guide you through this strategic process. Further, an external consultant is free of any organizational limitations or benefits, hence can suggest a growth path with the interest of the entire business in mind, and not only of a specific company function.

3. Is Growth Management applicable for my business?

If you are willing to perform reasonable product and/or target market changes for a better position in the market, Growth Management is the right approach to do it and is definitely for you.

4. We have a product manager, CMO and other execs. Do we need a Growth Manager?

Each company function is focused at achieving their specific objectives, but none is requested for a holistic management if the company’s product-market fit. Growth Manager – either internal or an external consultant – is a must, in order to recommend the CEO for strategic directions based on concrete data.

5. What are the required skills of a Growth Manager?

As Growth Manager is involved with multiple company functions – marketing, sales, R&D, product management and more – he should be familiar and experienced with all these, in order to reliably assess the potential, effort and risk of any strategic changes.


About me

Get in touch!

Concats us for more information

    +1 (484) 418-8148

    +972 (054) 453-4829